OJK Descends Mountains, Gives Children's THR Governance Tips After Eid

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) is increasingly conducting financial education to the public as an effort to carry out the task of increasing financial literacy and inclusion.

Most recently, the independent institution led by Mahendra Siregar gave tips related to the management of funds obtained by children after Lebaran.

In a simple sense, OJK wants to guide the community so that they can empower their funds to be more useful and optimal. Here are five important editorial points that summarize for readers.

1. Initial savings

Teaching your little one to save and save for their future needs

2. New books Buy the little one an interesting new book to read. This can help improve their reading skills and expand their insights

3. Keperluan sekolah

Invite your little one to choose the shoes / bags / books needed during school, starting during the new school year. Introduce the price according to the budget.

4. Educative toys

Give your little new accessories such as toys that can increase their creativity and imagination.

5. Donate

Teach your little one about kindness by giving donations to people in need.