Dismissed For Criticizing The Government, IDI Bela Zainal Muttaqin
JAKARTA - Some time ago, Prof. Dr. Zainal Muttaqin, a specialist in different Facilities, was dismissed by Kariadi Hospital Semarang because he often criticized the government through his writings.
The Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association (PB IDI) also regrets the dismissal. They said that freedom of expression is the right of citizens who are also protected in the 1945 Constitution.
The General Chairperson of PB IDI, Adib Khumaidi, revealed that his party will provide legal assistance and fight for the rights as a member of IDI and an Indonesian citizen.
"PB IDI through the Legal Division of Defense and Member Development (BHP2A) PB IDI and IDI Central Java Region will provide legal assistance, and fight for the rights as IDI members and Indonesian citizens," Adib said in his official statement, Tuesday, April 25.
Then, dr. Djoko Handojo, as chairman of IDI for the Central Java Region, said he regretted the dismissal. Djoko said problems like this should be discussed amicably from all parties involved.
"We hope that this issue should be discussed amicably by all parties involved. He is not only our colleague, but also Professor and Faculty of Surgery Specialist whose sacrifices are very large in handling patients who need nerve surgery assistance during the critical period of the last COVID pandemic," said Djoko.
Dr Zainal Muttaqin is a Professor of Diponegoro University as well as a specialist in Saraf Surgery for Kariadi Hospital Semarang. He is also a Saraf Surgeon in the scientific field of Epilepsy, which is currently not many in Indonesia.
Apart from being a specialist in Different Faculty, Dr Zainal also often writes on his personal page. Not only criticizing the government, but he also explained in his writings about public misunderstandings in professional organizations and health situations in Indonesia.
Dr Zainal is one of five epilepsy surgeons in Indonesia so that patients with the disease receive better treatment and treatment.