Feeling Disappointed That The Trial Of The Defendant Natalia Rusli Was Moved, The West Jakarta District Court Was Raided By The Masses

The demonstration colored the first trial of alleged fraud and embezzlement by advocate Natalia Rusli in front of the West Jakarta District Court (PN Jakbar) Jalan Raya Slipi, West Jakarta.

The mob calling themselves the Indonesian Law Enforcement Task Force together with the People's Conscience Movement reminded the judges and prosecutors who tried the defendants to be upright and not try to play with their eyes.

The crowd who came to raid the West Jakarta District Court at the West Jakarta District Court was disappointed because they could not witness the defendant's inaugural trial directly because the schedule was suddenly pushed forward by the Public Prosecutor (JPU).

According to him, the trial, which should have been listed on the West Jakarta District Court website at 13.00 WIB, turned out to be moved forward to 12.00 WIB.

The masses were very disappointed because the trial, which should have been opened to the public, was not attended by anyone or the media crew. "The defendant's first trial should have been opened to the public but because the schedule and courtroom were changed suddenly so that the trial seemed to be covered up because no one attended. This is what makes us very disappointed with the judges and prosecutors because we must guard this trial until the end of the verdict. And if necessary we will guard it until Cassation at the Supreme Court", Abdullah Kelrey, chairman of the mass action, said in a written statement, Tuesday, April 11.

The crowd asked the judges to present the defendant Natalia Rusli at every trial. They wanted the defendant not to be virtualized as if covered from the public and the impression seemed to be protected.

"It is not difficult to present the defendant because the information we have received is still being deposited at the West Jakarta Metro Police Detention Center. Until now, only 3 km from the West Jakarta District Court. Why was the defendant not present?" he continued.

The demonstration ended peacefully at 15.30 WIB after traffic jams occurred around Jalan Raya Slipi. And the protesters plan to come back for the next trial.