Demonstrators Throw Eggs And Release Tikus At The KPK Due To The Polemic Of Firli Bahuri

JAKARTA - The Executive Board of the Indonesian Young Activists Community held a demonstration at the KPK's Red and White Building today, Tuesday, April 11. They threw eggs and released white rats as a form of protest against KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri.

The moment of throwing eggs and releasing white rats occurred when the demonstrators arrived at the anti-corruption commission office. In fact, the atmosphere had heated up when the orator asked the demonstrators to enter but were prevented by police officers.

"This is a people's building, not Firli building, entering," shouted the orator in front of the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Tuesday, April 11.

Pushing each other between the demonstrators and the guard officers ensued. The police had time to block them with riot shields.

After pushing each other, the demonstrators finally released the rats in the building. The white rat then entered the waiting room in front of the reception desk.

Meanwhile, the eggs that were thrown hit the front glass of the office and partially littered the police uniforms on guard. These demonstrators also turned on the flares and they mostly wore orange clothes that read 'Firli Prisoners of the People's.

For information, the public has recently highlighted several things related to the work of the anti-corruption commission. One of them is the alleged leak of the investigation file of alleged corruption at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources which is said to involve KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri.

This leak was crowded after a search was carried out at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources office on March 27. Based on information circulating, the leaked file contained the suspect's name and the alleged article.

Not only that, the KPK is a concern because it insists on returning the Director of Investigation Brigadier General Endar Priantoro to the National Police. Although the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, still asked his subordinates to occupy his position, the anti-corruption commission still dismissed Endar on March 31.