Tarling Again After Two Years Stopped, Ganjar Pranowo Pererat Hablum Minannas

After two years of cessation, tarawih prayers around the level of Central Java Province finally returned to Ramadan 1444 H. The series of tarawih prayers around (tarling) began with the Gradhika Bhakti Praja Building, the Central Java Governor's Office complex, Thursday, March 23, followed by the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo.

"Alhamdulillah, we can start tarawih around again from the Central Java Province Islamic Charity Agency, which used to be routine before the pandemic. Now we can start again because yesterday we didn't do tarawih around," said Ganjar after tarawih prayers.

Acting as imam of prayer in this first round of tarling was the Chairman of the Central Java Baznas, KH Ahmad Daroji. The lecturer for Islamic studies by the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Central Java, Musta'in Ahmad. The congregational isya and tarawih prayers were also attended by representatives from the Central Java DPRD, Forkompimda, Central Java MUI, Regional Office of the Regional Office of Central Java, and students of the Bumi Akpelni Polytechnic.

Ganjar Pranowo explained that the momentum of tarawih prayers can be used as an activity to practice human values, especially in the context of inter-human relations. As conveyed by the speaker after tarawih prayers.

"Earlier, the lecturer, Mr. Kakanwil of the Ministry of Religion, said that let's use this tarawih as an event where we have human values in the context of Hablum minannas relations. So let's show our good deeds. Let's go before the political year, that's his message, we use places of worship to worship and to give coolness. I think this is important," he said.

The governor for the two periods said that the month of Ramadan is also a momentum for introspection and foster a sense of humanity. As has been the case with society for two years when facing a pandemic.

"Hopefully there will be many peace messages, good messages, and humanitarian messages given in this fasting month. Please help each other, help each other," said Ganjar Pranowo.