Getting To Know Raditya Prianaya Djan, Raline Shah's Prospective Husband Revealed By His Father

JAKARTA - Raline Shah is one of the artists who never wanted to reveal his love relationship, until finally the figure of the man who was allegedly the husband of the 2008 Puteri Indonesia finalist was revealed by his father, Rahmat Shah.

In a photo uploaded by Rahmat Shah, in Raline's 38th birthday celebration, there was a man known as Raditya Prianaya Djan. Not only that, Raditya's parents who are friends of Raline Shah's father were also seen.

Rahmat also asked for prayers from everyone so that his daughter's wedding plans could run smoothly. Rahmat's upload made the public excited. The reason is, so far Raline is known to be single.

Raditya Priamaya Djan, the figure who was declared as a future husband of Raline Shah, is the son of the former Minister of Public Housing for the 2011-2014 period, Djan Faridz.

Born in 1977, Raditya is known to work as a successful mining entrepreneur. He also has a track record as President Director of PT Priamanaya Energy.

Rama Djan has also held the position of President Director of PT Priamanaya Telekomunikasi, PT Priamanaya Djan International, PT Langgeng Prosperity Dynamics, and PT BPR Rasyid.

In addition to the information that has been mentioned above, there are not many things that can be further known about the figure of the future husband of Raline Shah.