Sari Koeswoyo: Om Nomo Leaves With A Smile

JAKARTA - Senior musician Nomo Koeswoyo was buried this afternoon at the Jeruk Purut TPU, South Jakarta, Thursday.

The funeral atmosphere, which was held at 13.00 WIB, looked sad. The daughter of Nomo Koeswoyo also seemed to be holding hands with each other while watching the funeral procession of her father.

According to information from one of Nomo Koeswoyo's nephews, Sari Koeswoyo, Nomo left calmly.

"Om Nomo left with a smile and it was very easy, everything was cleared," Sari said as quoted by Antara, Thursday.

"We all want Om Nomo's departure well. Everyone is happy that Pakde I was summoned by the Almighty in a calm state," he added.

Nomo Koeswoyo reportedly passed away on Wednesday (15/3) at 19.30 WIB in Magelang, Central Java. This sad news was also announced by Sari through her Instagram account @official.sarikoeswoyo.

Before being buried, the body of the Koes Brothers personnel was taken to the Chicha Koeswoyo funeral home in the Lebak Bulus area, South Jakarta.

Then, after the midday prayer this afternoon, Nomo was immediately taken to the Jeruk Purut TPU and buried in a grave with his late wife, Fatimah Francis K.

I have a mind, everything that has been united by God will be returned. If in the past they were a husband and wife, reunited, "said Sari.