In The Aftermath Of The Rancaupas Tourism Area Being Damaged By A Trail Motorbike, 6 People Were Questioned By The Police

Bandung Police stated that they were investigating and examining 6 people in the case of rare Rawa Edelweiss Bunga which was damaged allegedly due to the existence of trail motor activities in the tourist area of Rancaupas, Bandung Regency, West Java. Bandung Police Chief Kombes Pol Kusworo Wibowo said that his party had also examined six witnesses related to the existence of trail motor activities in Rancaupas which took place on Sunday. "We have conducted an investigation to witnesses, although no victim has reported any connection with the damage to this matter and today we have asked the Environmental Service (DLH) to look at the location," said Kusworo as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, March 9. As for the six witnesses who were examined, he said, consisting of event committees, the management of the tourist area, to the local residents. According to him, they are still waiting for an assessment from the Bandung Regency Environment Agency to determine the extent of the damage that occurred. Kusworo also emphasized that his party did not give permission for the implementation of the activities that eventually damaged the environment. "So far there are no suspects, we see (the results) from DLH later," he said. In addition, Kusworo also said that his party was investigating the existence of profiteering of the Bandung Regency Government logo in the activity. "The inclusion of the logos of several agencies within the billboard or banner where we got information that the inclusion of the logo was carried out without permission," he said. Previously, a four-minute video circulated showing a man who was angry due to part of the land in the Rancaupas area was damaged due to trail motor activity. to damaging the Rawa flower plant (syngonatus flaviduus). The man known to be named Supriatna alias Uprit said the flowers were quite rare because they were only in two locations in West Java.

He also admitted that he was one of the people who cultivated the flowers in Rancaupas. For that, he also regretted the party who gave permission to organize the event. "Look at the impact like this, it's destroyed," said Uprit in the video.