Iran Makes Arrests in Five Provinces Related to Poisoning of Schoolgirls

JAKARTA - Iran on Tuesday announced its first arrests following a spate of schoolgirl poisoning mysteries that gripped the country.

More than 5.000 cases of schoolgirls being poisoned have been reported across the country, said an Iranian lawmaker, as the attacks spread to the public transport network.

"Based on intelligence actions and intelligence services research, a number of people have been arrested in five provinces with relevant agencies carrying out full investigations," Deputy Home Minister Majid Mirahmadi told state television, quoted by The National News, March 8.

The poisoning was the result of a "special gas", lawmaker Mohammed Hassan Asefari told the Iranian Students' News Agency.

The number affected was significantly higher than the official estimate of around 1.000.

"Various tests are being carried out to identify the type and cause of poisoning. So far, there is no specific information regarding the type of poison used," said Asefari.

The poisoning of the schoolgirls has sparked a wave of outrage and calls for the authorities to take action.

They have also sparked international concern and western calls for an independent investigation.

The first cases were reported soon after the start of nationwide protests over the death of Iranian Kurdish Mahsa Amini, 22, who was arrested after wearing her headscarf "inappropriately".

Earlier, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called the poisoning of schoolgirls in his country an unpardonable crime, his first comment on an issue that has fueled anger against governments at home and abroad.

Berbicara pada upacara penanaman pohon di kantornya, Khamenei mengatakan pihak berwenang "harus secara serius menindaklanjuti masalah peracunan siswa".

"Ini adalah kejahatan besar dan tak termaafkan," katanya dalam komentar yang diterbitkan oleh media pemerintah.

"Kalau terbukti mahasiswa diracun, pelaku kejahatan ini harus dihukum seberat-beratnya. Tidak akan ada amnesti untuk orang-orang ini," tegasnya.