Different Explanations With Labkesda, Bareskrim Calls BPOM In New Cases Of Accounting For Acute Kidney Failure

The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police sent a summons for an examination of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM). The examination is related to a new case of kidney failure in children.

"Sudah meluncurkan pemanggilan (ke BPOM, red), nanti beberapa hari baru datang," ujar Direktur Tindak Pidana Tertentu Bareskrim Polri Brigjen Pipit Rismanto kepada wartawan, Selasa, 7 Maret.

The examination aims to get the facts behind the difference in explanations between BPOM and the Regional Health Laboratory (Labkesda) regarding the new case of a progressive atypical (GGAPA) acute kidney failure in Jakarta.

However, Pipit did not explain in detail the timing of the examination of the BPOM. It was only conveyed by all parties involved behind it.

"Yes, there are from BPOM, there are also those who handle everything, we also call to ask for clarity," said Pipit.

For information, with the number of summons for examination, BPOM has been questioned twice regarding cases of kidney failure.

BPOM was also asked for information about supervision when the first case of kidney failure emerged.

Meanwhile, two new cases of kidney failure emerged in West Jakarta and East Jakarta. From that case, one of the victims died.

Temporary suspicion, the emergence of a new case of kidney failure due to taking a mild fever reduction drug, Praxion.