Citarum Overflows, 28,745 Houses In 28 Sub-Districts Of Subang And Karawang Are Flooded

BANDUNG - West Java Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) recorded 28,745 houses in 28 sub-districts affected by floods in Karawang Regency and Subang Regency.

West Java BPBD Public Relations Officer Hadi Rahmat said the flooding in Karawang and Subang was due to high-intensity rains which caused the water in the downstream area of ​​the Citarum River to overflow.

"The West Java BPBD is coordinating with the local BPBD and also evacuating residents," said Hadi in Bandung, West Java, Friday.

Hadi said that floods in Karawang were reported to have started on Friday 24 February, while floods in Subang were recorded to have started to occur on Monday 27 February. As of Friday, floods are still occurring in dozens of these areas.

He explained that of the 28 sub-districts that were hit by floods in the two sub-districts, three sub-districts have receded, namely in Purwasari District (Karawang), as well as Pabuaran and Pamanukan (Subang) Districts.

On Friday, he noted that quite a severe flooding was still occurring in a number of sub-districts in the Karawang region, including West Karawang, West Telukjambe, Cikampek, and Kotabaru Districts. Some areas in a number of sub-districts experienced flooding with a height of more than 100 centimeters.

As for Karawang, he recorded as many as 19,813 housing units as well as 20 educational facilities and 34 places of worship that were affected by the floods. As a result, he said, as many as 97 thousand people were affected by the flood.

Then in Subang, according to him, 8,932 houses were recorded as being flooded. As a result, he said there were as many as 20,000 residents affected by the floods in Subang Regency.

For this reason, he said that his party had also coordinated with the local Social Service to immediately provide assistance to residents affected by the floods.

"We are also continuing to record flooded areas and mapping evacuation locations," said Hadi.