Impact Of The 2022 Floods, Rice Production In Jakarta Decreased By 911 Tons

JAKARTA - DKI's Central Statistics Agency (BPS) said that Jakarta's rice production in 2002 decreased due to flooding in this area so the gain for dry milled grain (GKG) amounted to 2,377 tons, a decrease of 911 tons compared to 2021 of 3,249 tons.

"Climatic conditions in the form of flood inundation greatly affect productivity," said DKI BPS Head Anggoro Dwitjahyono as quoted by ANTARA, Rabi March 1.

In addition to the weather factor, he continued, pest attacks also contributed to shrinking rice production in the capital.

When converted to rice, the production of 2,377 tonnes of GKG is equivalent to 1,378 tons of rice or decreased by 537 tonnes compared to 2021.

In addition, DKI BPS noted that during 2022 the rice harvest area in Jakarta decreased by 82.72 hectares to 477.25 hectares, which also affected the decline in rice production.

In 2021, the rice harvest area in Jakarta will reach 559.97 hectares.

Even though the paddy area ready for harvest in Jakarta has shrunk by 14.7 percent, Anggoro revealed that DKI Jakarta, with its narrow paddy area, is still able to produce paddy.

There is also the area of ​​raw rice fields according to the Decree of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) in 2019 in Jakarta reaching 414 hectares.

This decree places DKI as the province with the smallest rice fields among the 34 provinces in the country.

"Even though the agricultural land in DKI is narrow, they are still trying to produce in the food crops sub-sector," he said.

Regions in the capital that are still productive in producing rice are North Jakarta, East Jakarta and West Jakarta.

Anggoro added that the highest decline in rice harvested area occurred in North Jakarta, reaching 73.79 hectares to 405.86 hectares compared to 2021 reaching 479.65 hectares.

Then, East Jakarta became 33.54 hectares or decreased by 4.39 hectares and West Jakarta shrank by 4.54 hectares to 37.85 hectares.