10 Ways To Recruit Quality Employees So That Companies Don't Get Troubled Workers

YOGYAKARTA - For some businessmen, choosing employees is not easy. The reason is that it is very difficult to get quality workers. Therefore, business owners must know how to recruit quality employees so that businesses can develop.

Recruitment of employees is not only important for business owners, this knowledge is also important to know by Human Resource Development (HRD). For those of you who plan to recruit workers, follow the following methods and tips.

What must be done for the first time before recruiting employees is to compile a description of the vacancies as clearly as possible. The description needed includes many things ranging from position, qualifications, requirements, and ways of applicanting. A complete description is needed so that prospective applicants know the company's needs so they don't just apply. In addition, the description will help HRD explain employee needs.

Education qualification is important to include. The reason is that educational qualifications will affect the knowledge of workers about the fields they are needed. For example, you are looking for an accountant, so it is recommended to include a bachelor's qualification for accountability or the like.

Workers who have experience working in their fields will be greatly liked by the company. Experience is very important for companies to help identify existing problems.

The company can consider old interns or workers who have applied for a resign because the quality of the two workers can be known based on track records during his work.

Recognized or not, each information channel has a variety of readers. Disseminating information about job vacancies in a special media that presents information about job vacancies will help HRD get candidates who really need jobs. This is different when you disseminate information about job vacancies in the media discussing certain hobbies. Some channels that can be used to disseminate information on the recruitment of quality employees such as Linked.in.

Many companies open stands to look for quality workers in job fair or career expo. This step is enough to help companies filter out the best candidates who really qualify.

Initial screening tests are very important to do to help HRD carry out the first phase of elimination. This test is useful for analyzing personality, measuring capacity, and avoiding problematic workers. Filtering tests can be in the form of psychological tests, basic competency tests, medical tests, and so on.

Explore information about candidates as detailed as possible. HRD must know the basic things related to the work it will do during the interview. For example, ask what expertise it has regarding the field it is involved in. This stage can be done offline or online.

The background of the workers is no less important for the company. This check can be done by contacting the previous company where the workers had a career and asking for achievements or the results of the candidate's performance. This step is very important to do to avoid problematic workers.

Fairplay in this case is that companies must be fair to workers, especially regarding wages, allowances, and so on. On the other hand, workers must also comply with the rules applied by the company. The relationship between workers and companies must run on the basis of justice.

That's information regarding how to recruit quality employees. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.