Mario Dandy's Father Can't Quit From Being Civil Servant, This is the Reason

JAKARTA – It turns out that the resignation of high-tax employee Rafael Alun Trisambodo alias RAT as a civil servant cannot be done just like that.

This is because the RAT inspection process has been rolling in relation to the alleged jumbo assets it owns.

This refers to the Regulation of the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) Number 3 of 2020 concerning Technical Instructions for Dismissal of Civil Servants.

"The dismissal referred to is rejected if it is in the process of trial because it is suspected of having committed a crime," reads Article 5 paragraph 6 as quoted by the editorial on Sunday, February 26.

Then, another point says being refused to quit if it is related to work obligations.

"During the examination, the official who has the authority to investigate is suspected of having committed a civil servant disciplinary violation," said the following explanation.

Then, currently submitting administrative appeals because of being sentenced, currently undergoing disciplinary punishment, as well as other reasons according to the PPK's considerations.

As previously reported, RAT declared his resignation as a civil servant on the evening of Friday 24 February. He made this decision after the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani on Friday morning decided to remove RAT from the position he held.

RAT himself is known to have IDR 56 billion in assets in his latest 2022 report. This amount is higher than the Director General of Taxes, Suryo Utomo, who is his boss.

The problems that befell RAT were the result of the arrest of his son, Mario Dandy Satrio, who was strongly suspected of assaulting David Ozora, the son of a high-ranking GP Ansor.