The Most-discussed General Transportation According To Netray Monitoring

JAKARTA A number of Twitter activists share their experiences when using public transportation modes. They share various things, ranging from their experience using trains, KRL (commuter line), buses, angkot, to LRT and MRT.

Various vocabulary such as terminals, traffic jams, stations, adorning the conversation. From the results of Netray's observations during the period 14-20 February 2023, trains and buses became the dominant topic because they had existed for a long time and often gave an impression. Overcoming topics, KRL (Commuterline), LRT, and MRT are indeed only operating in big cities.

1. Train

On Twitter, trains are said to be in at least 22.6 thousand tweets with 9.9 thousand of them having negative tendencies. Impression on train-related tweets reached 656.2 thousand and has the potential to reach 164.9 million Twitter user accounts.

Meanwhile, through popular vocabulary, various words can be found that often appear in conversations of Twitter activists related to trains, such as tickets, lanes, prices, Jakarta-Bandung, and various other vocabulary.

In this period, Twitter activists can be seen commenting on the state of Manggarai station which is considered inadequate and has excess passenger capacity. In addition, the high ticket price is not comparable to the quality of the services provided, it is also widely highlighted," wrote Netray in its report on February 24, 2023.

Twitter activists also seem to appreciate the existence of subsidized trains on several routes such as the Ciamis-Jakarta route train which helps the community. As for other areas such as in Madura, they hope that the reactivation of the train line will be realized so that it can suppress the burden of road transportation.

During the monitoring period Netray, bus keywords were at least mentioned in 16.7 thousand tweets, which were dominated by negative tweets. The number of impressions on this topic reached 154.2 thousand and has the potential to reach 145.8 million Twitter user accounts.

In popular vocabulary, various words can be observed that often appear in conversations, namely passengers, buskers, terminals, prices, transjakarta, and various other vocabulary.

As transportation that reaches various areas both within and outside the city, buses become easy to find accommodation. In some areas, even buses become a mode of transportation within cities that people rely on, such as TransJakarta and TransJogja.

According to Twitter activists, as a city transportation, buses are useful for reducing the risk of congestion, especially trans buses that have their own lanes. However, sometimes users still feel annoyed with the bus's too full conditions and traffic jams that are still unavoidable.

They argue that the government should intensify the development of public transportation with even more excitable services, so that people are more interested in using public transportation than private transportation.

"Achieved prices and more available tickets are an alternative for people to choose buses over trains. In addition, of course, comfort and calm factors are a priority for users of public transportation," said Netray.

Other public transportation that has become a lot of talk is the KRL or commuter line. This train with flyover or underground type can carry up to 2,000 passengers with electric power sources over the train.

Based on the results of Netray's monitoring, the number of conversations on this topic reached 11.3 thousand tweets with 3,063 of them being negative. The number of impressions on this topic reached 95.9 thousand with the potential to reach 93.1 million user accounts.

Meanwhile, based on popular vocabulary, there are various words that often appear in conversations, such as transit, passengers, old, solo, and various other vocabulary.

As a mode of transportation that is widely used by people in urban areas, KRL has a high density intensity. This happens on various routes of KRL, such as in the Jakarta or Jogja-Solo areas. This then sparked a crime of sexual harassment as seen from several events reported by Twitter activists in his tweet.

In addition to the risk of harassment at KRL, KRL passengers in Jakarta also complain about transit policies that make it difficult for passengers.

Like KRL, MRT is also an electric-powered mode of transportation in urban areas. By flying and underground crossings, MRT has a higher speed than KRL, which is up to 110 km/hour.

During the Netray monitoring period, the keyword mrt appeared in 8,396 tweets with a number of sentiments that tended to be positive. The number of impressions reached 458.6 thousand and has the potential to reach 100.4 million accounts.

In popular vocabulary, there are various popular words in tweets related to MRT, such as Java, Jakarta, Bekasi, development, and various other vocabulary.

The existence of MRT certainly makes people have many transportation options. In the discussion, Twitter activists hope that the construction of MRT and other public transportation can reach various regions.

It's also good, the price can be cheaper so that private vehicle users can really switch. If necessary, make a special card to pay for all public transportation.

Unlike KRL and MRT, which use the upper power source of the train, LRT actually uses sub-train electricity with flyover crossings. In addition, the number of transport capacities also tends to be less than KRL and MRT.

The LRT is said to be in 6,409 tweets dominated by negative tweets. The number of impressions on this topic reached 27.1 thousand by reaching 50.9 million Twitter user accounts.

Then in popular vocabulary, there are various words related to LRT, such as access, good, lane, fast, and various other words. According to Twitter activists, the Jabodetabek area needs a wider reach and access LRT. Despite having a smaller capacity than KRL and MRT, the existence of LRT in urban areas is urgently needed to reduce the volume of private vehicles on the highway.

"However, for local communities, MRT and LRT have high prices so that this high-speed rail project is offered more in the Capital City area," wrote Netray.

Compared to other public transportation, angkot is the type that is easy to find in various regions. The existence of public transportation has been longer and has become a mainstay accommodation for the community at its time.

But on Twitter, public transportation is less popular with other modes of transportation. The word angkot is only mentioned in 6,137 tweets with the dominance of negative sentiment.

The number of impressions on this topic reached 50.3 thousand reactions and has the potential to reach 37.8 million Twitter user accounts. In popular vocabulary, several words can be seen related to the conversation of Twitter activists, such as cheap, used to be, playlists, schools, and various other vocabulary.