The Ministry Of Health Calls The Finding Of HIV/AIDS Blood Bags At TPS Forms Of Violation Of Procedures

Head of the Communication and Public Service Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, said the findings of dozens of bags of HIV-written blood at the Junok Waste Disposal Site (TPS), Burneh District, Bangkalan Regency, East Java a form of violation of medical waste handling procedures."This is because the disposal of liquid fluids, be it blood, body fluids, and everything released by the human body is considered dangerous," said Siti Nadia Tarmizi on the sidelines of the 2023 National Health Working Meeting (Rakerkesnas) at the JCC Convention Center, Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, February 23.Blood from screening for HIV/AIDS, civil, hepatitis B and C diseases needs to be destroyed if clinically proven to be contaminated with disease. "If one of them is positive, it must be thrown away, the disposal procedure cannot be carried out at ordinary polling stations," he said.According to him, medical waste has the potential to be a source of transmission of several diseases, because the content of viruses and bacteria in them can survive for a certain period of time."If you find medical waste, then put forward the principle of universal prudence. If you don't know, you have to think it's infectious, wear personal protection such as gloves, shoes to tight clothing covers," he said.Nadia regretted the findings, because the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) is an institution that has experience in managing blood. "It shouldn't have happened, because PMI has long experienced blood processing," she said.Responding to these findings, the Ministry of Health is confirming and clarifying with the East Java Health Office and the Central PMI to determine further action.Blood bags bearing HIV were found at the Junok TPS, Burneh District, Bangkalan Regency, East Java, by the cleaning staff of the Bangkalan Environmental Service (DLH)."The number is tens and wrapped in two plastic bags. Apart from blood bags, there is also blood donation equipment," said Head of the Bangkalan DLH Waste Management and Waste Management Division, Yudistira.The chairman of PMI Bangkalan As'ad Asjari admitted that the bags of blood dumped at the Junok TPS did come from his institution. As'ad admitted that his party had been careless.