Complete List Of Falcon Script Hunt Winners 2022, Hanggini Search For Characters Outside The Convenient Zone

JAKARTA - The Falcon Script Hunt 2022 competition organized by Kwikku and Falcon Pictures has won. Lasting for 5 (five) months from 5 July to 5 December 2022, this competition managed to collect a total of 1,500+ of work that entered as participants in the competition.

Of the many works that came in, 6 main scenarios have been selected that were selected as the main winners of the game and received a prize of IDR 50 million. Here's the winner: - BARBERSHOP KENANGAN BY Onet Adithia Rizlan; - REPLACEMENT BY Eko Hartono; - SECRET ROOM BY Donny M. Ramdhan; - BEFORE THE END OF THE WEEK BY Yuni Suastini; - TELEPHONE THAT NEVER COMPETED BY Dafta Amrullah; - THE KILLER TEACHER by Nur Fitriani.

In addition to the 6 works above, 12 favorite scripts selected by the jury have the right to participate in mentorship programs. From this competition we can see that new writers do not hesitate to explore the challenging genres to be used as a film.

In organizing this competition, Falcon Pictures collaborated with 19 professionals in their fields to become judges. The nineteen judges represent 3 fields that are closely related to the film industry, namely directors, scriptwriters, and actors.

The directors are Herwin Novianto, Ifa Isfansyah, Andibachtiar Yusuf, Indra Gunawan, Fajar Bustomi, and Rako Prijanto. As for the scriptwriters, Titien Wattimena, Danial Rifki, Alim Sudio, Oka Aurora, Anggoro Saronto, and Ifan Ismail, as well as for our actors in collaboration with Rey Mbayang-Dinda Hauw, Rio Dewanto, Enzy Storia, Bio One, Hanggini, and Jefri Nichol.

"What's interesting during the judging is that there are unique, challenging, and really stole our attention, because the genre can be said to be very different from the films we have played in. There is a dark feel, so we feel it would be nice to be involved and get a different film from before," Rey Mbayang said in a virtual announcement, Friday, February 17.

Each judge had a pleasant experience because they could meet the scripts that had interesting ideas.

"The consideration in choosing the script I read first what the plot and character look like, how can it explore, then what is different from the previous script," explained Enzy Storia.

"Read the synopsis first, I really want to get a character out of my comfort zone. I want to try something new," said Hanggini.