Ganjar Pranowo Involve Millennial Farmers To Increase Padi Production

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo invited millennial farmers to participate in boosting rice productivity during the main harvest season in Central Java in maintaining rice price stability in the market.

This was said by Ganjar after reviewing the harvest season and Community Food Lumbung (LPM) in Harjowinangun Village, Godong District, Grobogan Regency, Wednesday, February 15.

Ganjar said that currently the Central Java harvest is using a modern rice combine planter so that the time for harvesting rice is more efficient. The use of this tool, said Ganjar, adds to the enthusiasm of millennial farmers at harvest.

"First of all, the hoe doesn't use a runway. The hoe already uses a tractor, that's why millennials definitely want to do that. The Nanam is also not manual, the nanomak is already using a transplanter machine. That way, then much faster," said Ganjar.

This mechanized big harvest, Ganjar continued, is an efficient step to ensure the availability of rice stocks in Central Java is safe. Moreover, Ganjar said millennial farmers could encourage land consolidation with corporations, farmer groups, or cooperatives to produce productive agricultural systems.

"This is just with this planter engine, actually it is also done very, very quickly. So it actually becomes efficient because actually agricultural land is actually small, yes, this belongs to many people," said Ganjar Pranowo.

With this consolidation, said Ganjar, millennial farmers can create good productivity with quality agricultural products. Thus, Central Java's rice stock is safe and rice prices in the market are stable.

"The work of young people and using mechanization. Today we have seen that Grobogan harvests are already big, it's already a big harvest. So God willing, the stock will start a lot. If the stock is large, we will distribute it quickly, then price stabilization will occur," he said.

For information, the number of millennial farmers in Central Java in 2019, was 975,600 people or 33.7 percent of the 2.88 million farmers in Central Java. A total of 57,600 of them are undergraduate graduates.

In his review at the Grobogan Regency harvest, Ganjar Pranowo saw farmers harvesting heavily using a modern rice combine planter. Ganjar hopes that the rice supply obtained from this harvest is quite large.

"Hopefully this will become a fairly large supply because Grobogan is one of the big barns, hopefully it can stabilize that," said Ganjar Pranowo.