Extreme Weather In Riau Islands Due To Tropical Disturbances, Natuna Sea Waves Again Reach 4 Meters

KEPRI - The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) detected a cold surge phenomenon or tropical disturbance which caused bad weather to hit Bintan Island and parts of the Riau Island Province (Kepri) on Wednesday, February 15, morning.

Tanjungpinang BMKG forecaster Vivi Putri said the tropical disturbance had caused heavy rains, strong winds, and high waves.

In Natuna waters, where the sea waves have been sloping since early February 2023, they are now getting high again.

Based on BMKG monitoring, sea waves in Natuna waters reached 4 meters, while sea waves in Bintan, Lingga, and Anambas were 2.5 meters.

"Tropical disturbances have caused bad weather to appear in areas where the current is currently passing," he said in Tanjungpinang, Riau Islands, Wednesday, February 15, as reported by Antara.

Vivi explained, heavy rains and strong winds were also caused by the convergence of the winds in the upper layer. These conditions result in a slowdown in the movement of air masses and the accumulation of air masses so that they can form convective clouds that cause rain.

High sea waves are also caused by the north wind season in Riau Islands. The north wind season starts in November 2022 and is expected to end in March 2023.

"Kepri is still in the north monsoon season which causes strong winds in this area, especially in the Natuna area so these conditions affect wave height. Where the generator of sea waves is the wind so when the wind is strong enough it can cause high sea waves," she said.

The bad weather that hit Bintan Island caused the power plant network to be disrupted. PLN has made power outages starting at 09.00-13.00 WIB in parts of Bintan Island due to damage to the power plant network.

"We urge the public to cut stems or trees that break or fall easily to prevent unwanted things when the wind is strong," she said.

She also appealed to users of sea transportation, especially in Natuna, to be wary of high waves.

"Fishermen who use small boats to be aware of bad weather," she stated.