The Deputy Governor Of West Kalimantan Is Confident That The Presence Of Islamic Banks Can Help Advance The Regional Economy

Deputy Governor of West Kalimantan (Kalbar) Ria Norsan believes that the presence of Islamic banks in her area can help advance the regional economy.

"We really welcome the presence of BTN Syariah Branch Office in Pontianak. With the presence of the bank, we hope to participate in advancing the West Kalimantan economy," he said when inaugurating BTN Pontianak Syariah Branch Office in Pontianak, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, February 14.

He explained that currently the Muslim population in West Kalimantan reaches 60 percent. Of these, of course, it requires a sharia bank because there is a predetermined profit-sharing scheme.

"The presence of this Sharia BTN can facilitate and help Muslim communities in many ways. However, of course this sharia bank is also for outside of non-Muslims," he explained.

Director of Consumer Bank BTN Hirwandi Gafar who was also present said that the presence of the sharia unit is targeting the millennial segment and working on the potential of the property business which is still wide open in Pontianak City.

"We see the prospect of bright economic growth in Pontianak City in the future. The Central Statistics Agency noted that the economy in West Kalimantan grew 5.01 percent (yoy) where the property sector that is of concern to Bank BTN grew by 4.89 percent," he said.

He said the opening of the Sharia Branch Office on Jalan Ahmad Yani No. 61, Southeast Pontianak, was a form of Bank BTN's dedication to the people of Pontianak, especially those who wanted to use banking services based on sharia principles.

"We are open to all groups, but specifically the segments we see are individuals or institutions or institutions that are in the Islamic ecosystem such as educational institutions, worship groups, waqf bodies, amil zakat institutions and so on," said Hirwandi.

He explained Bank BTN's steps to expand by expanding its sharia business, departing from the success of the Sharia BTN network in Kalimantan which recorded financing growth of 16.17 percent (yoy) from IDR 1.4 trillion as of December 2021 to around IDR 1.7 trillion as of December 2022.

"The BTN UUS asset in Kalimantan also recorded a growth of around 18 percent (yoy) from IDR 1 trillion as of December 2021 to around IDR 1.6 trillion as of December 2022. We are optimistic that these targets can be achieved, especially with the potential for diverse economic developments in Pontianak which will increase people's purchasing power," he said.