What Are The Duties Of Komnas HAM In Indonesia? This Is The Explanation According To Law

YOGYAKARTA The National Commission (Komnas) on Human Rights (HAM) has an important role in Indonesia. In general, Komnas HAM's duties are related to human rights that have been owned by humans since he was born. For more details, see the following explanation.

The understanding of Komnas HAM is explained in Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights. Article 1 explains that Komnas HAM is a self-employed institution at the same level as other state institutions.

In general, the function of Komnas HAM is to conduct studies, research, counseling, monitoring, and mediate human rights.

Meanwhile, the definition of human rights is a set of rights inherent in the essence and existence of humans as God's creatures (YME) and is His gift. This right must be respected, upheld, and protected by the state, law, government, and everyone for the sake of honor and protection of human dignity.

In Law no. 39/1999, it also explains the duties and authorities of Komnas HAM. Article 89 explains the duties and authorities of Komnas HAM which are divided into 4 parts, namely the following.

Komnas HAM's duties and authorities in each part are different from each other. Here's the explanation.

That's information related to the task of Komnas HAM. Visit VOI.ID for other interesting information.