Supreme Leadership Of KKB Detectioned, TNI-Polri Mobile

TN Commander Admiral Yudo Margono confirmed that he was aware of the identity of the highest leader of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Papua. The area prone to attack has been mapped.

"Yes. It must be done. The people in the area must know who this is," Yudo told reporters, Wednesday, February 8.

For areas prone to security disturbances, it is said that there are four points. But the exact location is not specified.

Not all of them, we mapped there are 4 areas that have vulnerabilities that are disturbed by ktu.

"So don't imagine that all areas happen like that. KKB is a small group in an area that disturbs people who are safe there," he said.

Meanwhile, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said his party would continue to ensure the security of Papua. If there are groups that interfere with security, of course they will be dealt with firmly.

"Against groups that continue to carry out security disturbances, of course, the TNI-Polri agree that we will enforce the law firmly. Of course, we will still pay attention to norms related to human rights," said Sigit.

In the near future TNI-Polri personnel will be sent back to Papua. The goal is to thicken security and avoid attacks by parametric groups.

"For example, of course, thickening in vulnerable areas, red areas is of course our attention so that the number of KKB, KKB attacks, we hope we can reduce, especially the emergence of victims in the community," said Sigit.