Insufficient Money When Paying Contactless Tolls? Here's The Rule!

YOGYAKARTA - This year, the government will immediately legalize the contactless cashless toll transaction method (Multi-Lane FREE Flow/MLFF). Then what are the rules when the balance is insufficient when paying the MLFF toll?

What should be known is that the government will use fines for toll road users who violate the MLFF toll transaction procedures, including if the driver's balance is insufficient when paying the toll.

According to several sources, the stopless toll payment will be carried out via the Cantas application installed on the driver's smartphone. The balance will be deducted automatically according to the results of the calculation of the toll road section that the driver is crossing.

But what if the balance is insufficient? Will we be fined soon?

Insufficient Balance Rules When Paying MLFF Tolls

Head of Operations and Maintenance of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) Ali Rachmadi said motorists were given up to 2 hours to top up their balances so that the total balance in the Cantas application was sufficient for toll payments.

This 2-hour time compensation begins to be calculated when the driver exits the toll road. Because, the new balance will be deducted automatically when the vehicle exits the toll road.

This provision also applies if a driver runs out of internet quota, loses signal, smartphone battery runs out, and similar circumstances do not allow drivers to pay toll fees immediately.

"As soon as he leaves the toll road location, he still has two hours to top up. It will immediately decrease where they are crossing at that time," Ali said during a Public Discussion on the Opportunities and Challenges of Implementing an Endless Toll Payment System, Tuesday ( 7/2/2023).

But if the driver has not filled in enough balance during those 2 hours, then the driver will be subject to a stage 1 penalty in the form of a fine of 1 times the fee that should be paid for 2x24 hours.

Then if the stage 1 fine is not met, then the rider will be given a stage 2 penalty in the form of a fine of 3 times the fee that should have been paid before 10 days of the violation.

"After more than 10 days, we will fine the maximum 10 times (of the unpaid rate)," he explained.

As info, drivers who want to enter the toll road must install the Cantas application on their cell phones. Then the driver is asked to run the vehicle registration on that application.

Cantas is an application designed with satellite navigation or the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) which allows vehicle users to make payments via a smartphone connected to cyberspace.

Regarding the working system, the GPS will determine the location determined by the satellite and the map-matching progress will run on the central system.

When the vehicle exits the toll road and the map-matching process ends, the system will calculate the fare.

"Even if that happens, there should be blank spots (signal loss) only at one or two points and it doesn't take too long to disappear and will come back again so that the GNSS will immediately determine its position again, map-matching again," he said.

So after finding out what to do when the balance was insufficient when paying the MLFF toll, check other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize the news!