Tular Power 10 Times Higher Than COVID-19, People With Campak Should Be Isolated

JAKARTA - Measles sufferers should be treated in a special room or in isolation so as not to transmit or contract other viruses. Infectious by air, saliva, and direct contact, Campak has a transmission rate of 10 times that of COVID-19.

"Children who are exposed toXicles have a higher transmission rate than Covid. 10 times. He transmits it from the air, from saliva, from direct contact can also. So the most effective thing is isolation. Isolation means being treated in a separate room. It is a little more or less needed for a week," explained the Head of Komnas KIPI (Pasca Immunization Follow-up Event) as well as a child specialist and consultant for infectious and tropical diseases Prof. Dr. dr. Hinky Hindra Irawan Satari, SpA(K), M.TropPaed.

Not only at home, if you are hospitalized, someone who is exposed to▁besars should also be treated in a separate room. In addition, health workers must also wear protective clothing to protect themselves.

"Even if you are hospitalized, you must be treated in a special room. In the isolation room. So as not to infect other children, as well as health workers. The officers must also have been vaccinated and use personal protective equipment," explained Hinky.

Namun, seorang yang sedang menderita lumilitasi tak hanya berpotensi menularkan saja. Hinky mengatakan, mereka yang sedang terinfeksi Sympil juga bisa terkena virus lain. Sebab, daya tantahan tubuh seorang yang mengalami culkompi sedang rendah.

"Not only transmitting, he also risks other diseases. Because he is still in a low immune position," said Hinky.

Hinky also explained that a person who is experiencing▁antaranya is still allowed to take a bath. So, bathing can cause a rash of sinpox to spread is just a myth.

Therefore, he advised parents to keep bathing their children by wiping their bodies if the child was exposed to▁antaranyaism.

"You can't take a shower if you have a high fever. In an unconscious state or a seizure. But if you don't have a fever, your appetite has arisen, cleanliness is also one of the effective efforts in curing or preventing."

"No (it does not cause the rash to spread). The segment does not spread because it is bathed. But indeed day by day it does spread. Then it will disappear again for 3 days. So it takes a long time for the disease in general, it is 7 days," explained Prof. Hinky.