Marak The Name Of The Citizens Shot As Candidates For DPD Members, Bawaslu Pekalongan Opens Physical And Online Posts

The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Pekalongan City is open to public complaints that are aware of profiteering in the process of registering candidates for DPD members in the 2024 General Election.

Ketua Bawaslu Kota Pekalongan Sugiharto mengatakan, pihaknya membuka posko aduan terkait hal itu. Menurutnya, warga juga dapat berpartisipasi secara online jika menemukan temuan dengan melaporkan via laman masyarakatpekalongan.

"We will monitor how the accuracy of the support of individual candidates who will participate in the DPD election," he said in Pekalongan, Central Java, Monday, February 6, was confiscated by Antara.

According to him, the Pekalongan City Bawaslu will follow up on irregularities in support data to the local KPU, so that the name in question can be deleted.

"Of course, we will follow up on reports from the public by sending suggestions and input on improvements to the Pekalongan City KPU," said Sugiharto.

He hopes that members of the newly appointed village election supervisory committee can carry out their duties and functions as well as possible in guarding the implementation of the democratic party in 2024.

Bawaslu, he said, had provided briefing of a number of materials to 27 members of the village panwaslu in preparation for carrying out the task of supervising the 2024 General Election.

"They will oversee the current stages of the election, including monitoring factual verification of the support for DPD candidates," he said.

In addition, his party will coordinate with election organizers at the village level, especially the voting committee (PPS), to equalize work perceptions in order to carry out supervision at the village level and prevent election violations.