GHOST Re-releases Above, Shows Joe Elliot From Def Leppard

JAKARTA - Today, January 26, Swedish rock troop GHOST released a new version of their song, Spillways, featuring guest musician Joe Elliot of Def Leppard.

actsway was taken from GHOST's fifth album, Impera, which was launched in March last year.

Elliott told Metal Hammer in April 2022, he was introduced to GHOST music through Def Leppard guitarist Phil Collen.

"He said, 'Hey, have you heard of this band GHOST? It's like Scando goth-metal but with a brilliant melody.' I said, 'Well, it's an oxymoon, because it's usually [making an understandable sound of singing like someone vomiting in a bucket]'," Elliot said.

"But he played something for me each with a few songs a few minutes. I was very interested, so I asked him to send that new album to my Dropbox. I listen to everything, and I think it's really amazing. Like the whole new genre of music much more TOTO than death metal or something like that.

"Like this Spillways song started like the TOTO Hold The Line or Jane of Jefferson Starship one of the classic 70s songs that started with the piano before a thick chord came in."

At the time, Elliot said that Impera had been his mainstay album for at least a few weeks. "I've been downloading it to my Apple Watch so I can go and listen to it. I only have a few albums in that smart watch, and GHOST is one of them."