SKK Migas Targets Oil Lifting Of 660 MBOPD In 2023

JAKARTA - The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Activities (SKK Migas) is targeting oil lifting in 2023 of 660 million barrels of oil per day (MBOPD).

This figure decreased from the previous year which was targeted at 703 MBOPD.

Meanwhile, the realization of oil and gas lifting in 2022 is 612.13 or 87.1 percent.

SKK Migas also targets gas distribution in 2023 to reach 6160 MMSCFD from 2022 which is targeted at 5800 MMSCFD.

In terms of actual gas distribution, SKK Migas noted that gas distribution in 2022 reached 5,347 MMSCFD or lower than the achievement in 2021 which reached 5,505 MMSCFD.

Regarding the achievement of low oil and gas lifting in 2022, Deputy for Exploitation Wahju Wibowo said this was caused by various factors, one of which was the high incidence of an unplanned shutdown.

"Regarding this, SKK Migas has conducted a maintenance audit and prepared steps for its implementation, it is hoped that with better production facilities it can support massive program activities in 2023," he said.

From the investment side, SKK Migas is also targeting an investment of US$15.54 billion in 2023.

This amount is observed to have increased from 2022 which was targeted at US$13.32 billion.

Meanwhile, investment realization in 2022 was US$12.23 billion or equivalent to Rp.182 trillion, higher than investment in 2021 which amounted to US$10.9 billion or 113 of the target.

Investment Achievement in 2022 has also exceeded upstream oil and gas investment prior to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2019 which was recorded at US$11.7 billion.