Uptake of the PUPR Ministry's 2022 Budget Still Remains IDR 7.96 Trillion

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) still has a remaining state budget (APBN) of IDR 7.96 trillion from the available budget ceiling.

"In broad outline, the realization of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing's financial absorption for the 2022 fiscal year reached IDR 118.03 trillion or 93.7 percent of the budget ceiling of IDR 125.99 trillion. Meanwhile, what was not absorbed in 2022 was IDR 7.96 trillion or 6. 32 percent from the Ceiling," said PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono at the House of Representatives (DPR) Building, Jakarta, Tuesday, January 17.

Basuki said the ceiling obtained by the PUPR Ministry for the 2022 budget was IDR 125.99 trillion, but until the end of the year the financial realization that had been carried out was only IDR 118.03 trillion or 93.7 percent. Meanwhile, the physical realization was 96.2 percent.

The budget that was not absorbed, continued Basuki, was divided into several budget items, including Blocking Funds of IDR 530 billion, remaining auctions of IDR 620 billion, remaining personnel expenditures of IDR 130 billion, and remaining land acquisition of IDR 490 billion.

Then, funds for foreign loans or grants (PHLN) also remain IDR 3.18 trillion, IDR 2.56 trillion for State Sharia Securities (SBSN) activities, a budget for the Director General of infrastructure maintenance IDR 2 billion, as well as other activities that will not be implemented in 2023 of IDR 430 billion.

The budget ceiling for FY 2022, said Basuki, which was absorbed effectively was used to carry out infrastructure development activities in order to support various national priority agendas.

"The 2022 FY budget is also used to carry out special assignments based on Presidential Decree Number 116 of 2021 concerning the Acceleration of Infrastructure Development Implementation to Support International Events in the Province of Bali, the Special Capital Region of Jakarta, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara," he said.