Former Subordinate Hendra Kurniawan Kompak Calls Agus Nurpatria Menyetak Cek Dan Menyembak CCTV

JAKARTA - Two former subordinates of Hendra Kurniwan compactly stated that there was an order from the defendant Agus Nurpatra regarding CCTV at the Police Complex, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta. The order, not to take and replace it but to check and secure it.They are I Putu Egi and Mika Misalim. Both were presented as mitigating witnesses for the defendants Hendra and Agus in the obstruction of justice case of the death of Yosua alias Brigadier J.The testimony regarding the order from former Kaden A Paminal Agus Nurpatra began when the defendant's advisory team questioned their activities on July 9.Then, Putu said that at that time he was in charge of escorting Hendra as Karo Paminal of the National Police Division at that time to Sambo's official residence in Duren, South Jakarta. Then, he admitted to seeing Agus Nurpatra at that location."When Agus Nurpatra sat there, did anyone come to Agus' brother?" asked legal adviser Hendra Kurnaiwan during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, January 17."Syamperin was there at that time AKP Irfan," replied Putu."Do you know Irfan?" asked the legal adviser."Know," said Putu."Since when?" legal advisors said."Since I (worked) with Pak Hendra, for 4 years," said Putu.The defendant's legal suspension Hendra then asked about the contents of the conversation between Hendra and Agus. At that time, Putu and Mika compactly answered that their superiors ordered the Head of Sub-Directorate I Sub-Directorate III of the Criminal Investigation Directorate, Irfan Widyanto Irfan Widyabto, to secure the CCTV DVR of the Police complex, Duren Tiga."I heard about CCTV, what did you hear?" asked the attorney."At that time, Pak Agus pointed out the CCTV 'Fan, please check and secure it and then coordinate with the police investigators'," said Putu, imitating Agus' words at the time."If you are a witness Mika, is that what he said?" asked Mika's attorney."Yes, sir, it's the same, what I also heard was checking, securing, coordinating for CCTV to South Jakarta Police investigators," said Mika.Meanwhile, in the previous trial, Irfan Widyanto emphasized that Kaden A Paminal ordered Agus Nurpatra to replace the CCTV DVR of the Police complex, Duren Tiga."When we met at the gate, CCTV was immediately shown in front of the gate, which was on the basketball court leading to the road. Then it was shown 'You know where the DVR is?', I answered I don't know," said Irfan.At that time, Agus then explained that the CCTV DVR was at the security post of the complex. Agus ordered Irfan to take the CCTV DVR and replace it."What was Agus' answer?" asked the prosecutor again."I said I don't know, then Pak Agus said it was like being at the security post, later you check it, after that you take the new one," said Irfan."Do you take and replace the new one? That's Agus' order?," said the prosecutor confirming Irfan's answer."Ready," said Irfan.