Lampung Bawaslu Sniffs Someone Trying To Cheat For DPD Election
JAKARTA - The Lampung Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) found indications of fraud in fulfilling the voter support requirements for candidates for the Regional Representatives Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPD RI).
Lampung Bawaslu chairman Iskardo Panggar explained that his party in 15 regencies and cities found indications of fraud by RI DPD candidates from the Model F1 attachment uploaded to the KPU Silon.
"During administrative verification of signatures, thumbprints or other fingerprints on the Attachment F1 form, Bawaslu found indications of fraud in the Model F1 attachment," said Iskardo as quoted by Antara, Monday, January 16.
The next potential for fraud is the support of voters who do not meet the requirements, including because they are the TNI/Polri, ASN, and election organizers.
"Reports from supervisors, there are also sub-district Panwaslu that are included in the support of DPD candidates, but we are currently recapitulating the data on how many organizers have been named," he said.
Lampung Bawaslu in 15 regencies and cities have opened public complaint posts regarding the profiteering of NIK and names in the KPU RI DPD Candidacy Information System (Silon), in order to anticipate the potential for fraud by DPD candidates at the stage of improving voter support.
"We have opened complaint posts in regencies and cities such as profiteering NIK and names on the Political Party Information System (Sipol). Or people whose identities are listed as support for DPD candidate voters can also report to the sub-district Panwaslu Secretariat or Bawaslu social media," he said.
According to him, this is to ensure that voter support for candidates for DPD RI members is real whether it is true that voter support is real or can it be from anywhere.
Apart from that, Iskardo also said that the Lampung Bawaslu is also anticipating the potential for fraud by prospective DPD candidates regarding the support of voters who are not yet 17 years old at the repair stage.
"The administrative verification of the improvement of voter support for DPD candidates will take place from 16-22 January 2023, we will see whether this voter support meets the age requirement or not," he said.