What Is E-Voa And What Are The Benefits For Foreigners?

YOGYAKARTA The government recently launched the E-Voa application. The launch itself will be held on November 10, 2022 at Courtyard Nusa Dua, Bali. The application is expected to be able to make a positive contribution to the world of tourism and business in the country. Then, what is E-Voa?

E-VOA stands for Electronic Visa on Arrival. This application was launched by the Government to provide convenience and flexibility to Foreign Citizens who will travel or visit for business purposes in Indonesia.

Quoted from molina.imigration.go.id, the understanding of E-Voa is a one-time entry visa that is only valid for 30 days in Indonesia which can be used for various purposes such as tourism purposes, government visits, business meetings, purchasing goods, meetings, and can also be used for only temporary transits. The extension itself can be done once.

The e-VOA validity period is indeed different from the validity period in Indonesia. When the stay held by foreign nationals (WNA) runs out, the holder is obliged to apply for a new E-Voa.

The application for E-Voa must be made by foreigners who will visit Indonesia. On the official website of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, it is stated that the E-Voa is a website-based application. The submission can be made through molina.imigration.go.id. It should be remembered that fake E-Voa sites cannot issue official E-Voa.

After the application form is filled in completely, foreigners can proceed to the payment page. Transactions themselves can be done online with credit cards, debit cards bearing the Visa logo, Mastercard, as well as JCB. The fee charged for E-Voa is IDR 500,000.00. Payment itself can be made with a Rupiah currency or US Dollar.

However, it should be noted that each transaction will be subject to additional costs according to the rules set by each financial institution.

In addition, the E-Voa must be owned by every foreigner, including infants and children, the passport validity period is also a minimum of six months from the date of arrival.

It should be noted that after the E-VOA is processed, there is no information that can be changed, therefore the foreigner who submits must be really thorough when filling out the form. If the information is invalid, then the foreigner must re-submit and there is no refund.

After the payment is successful, the officer will verify the e-Voa application. If the application is approved, the E-VoA will be sent through the application of the applicants. Foreigners simply download the approved E-VOA and simply show it at the Immigration checkpoint when it arrives in Indonesia.

The E-Voa registration stage is as follows.

There are several documents that are needed when you apply for an E-Voa that must be owned by the Petitioner, namely as follows.

E-Voa has several benefits that can be felt by foreigners who want to visit Indonesia. Some of the benefits of E-Voa are as follows.

That's information related to what E-Voa is. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.