Getting To Know 8 Types Of Cognitive Distortion And Examples Of Actions In Life

JAKARTA - Cognitive distortion is a negative, irrational, or inappropriate mindset. This mindset can have a bad impact, especially on a person's mental health. The brain is an organ that processes a lot of information.

To deal with a lot of information, the brain filters to reduce a person's mental burden. Most filters help to make a person better, but sometimes disturbed filters, such as cognitive distortions, make a person feel worse.

Cognitive distortion can reduce motivation, make a person feel low and worthless, and contribute greatly to mental health problems, such as anxiety, depression, and others.

There are several types of cognitive distortion that occur in a person. Launching PsychCentral, Wednesday, January 11, here is the next explanation.

Mental filter means draining and suppressing all positive things in a situation and instead just thinking about the negatives. Even if there are more positive aspects than being negative in a situation or person, you only focus on negative things.

For example, during performance reviews at the company and manager several times praised your hard work. However, there was a time when he gave advice on improvements to you. Instead of accepting it, you leave the meeting room feeling sad and thinking about the advice all day long.

Polarized thinking or black and white mindsets are cognitive distortion types that see something absolute, like black or white, failed or successful, good or bad and nothing in the middle.

For example, your co-worker is a person you think is good until one day he ate your sandwich without asking permission first. After that incident, you will judge him as a bad person despite the many good behaviors he has done.

Overgeneralization is a distortion carried out by drawing conclusions from one event and using these conclusions on all the same occasions. With excessive generalization, words like "always", "Never", "EVER", and "nothing" often appear in your line of thought.

Leaking to the conclusion is a type of distortion that is characterized by a person's direct draw of conclusions. There are two ways to draw conclusions directly, namely by reading someone's mind as if knowing someone's thoughts or predicting and predicting future events to avoid trying something difficult.

The wordstrophy is closely related to jumping to conclusions. In this case, you jump to the worst conclusion in each scenario, no matter how impossible it is to do so.

This cognitive distortion is often accompanied by questions how about. What if he doesn't call because he had an accident? What if he hasn't come because he really doesn't want to spend time with me? What if I help this person and they end up betrayed him or leaving me?

Personalization makes you believe that you are responsible for events that are, in fact, completely or partially out of your control. These cognitive distortions often make you feel guilty or blame yourself without considering all the factors involved.

For example, your child had an accident and you blamed yourself for letting them go to the party.

Feeling that you always have to do or act something will make someone feel guilty or fail.

For example, Vina thinks she should be able to play songs with her piano without making mistakes. When she makes mistakes, she will feel angry and annoyed with herself. As a result, she will start avoiding the piano

Emotional reasoning makes you believe that your feelings are a reflection of reality. This type of cognitive distortion assumes that when a person experiences negative emotions, negative emotions will be the grip of reality. I feel like this about this situation, then that's definitely a fact, define this cognitive distortion.