Ahead Of The Implementation Of Measurable Fish Fishing, The KKP Prioritizes Administrative Sanctions To Improve Compliance With Business Actors

The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) said administrative sanctions would be one of the important instruments in increasing compliance with business actors in 2023.

This is one of the surveillance strategies ahead of the implementation of Measurable Fish Fishing (PIT) to reduce violations in the marine and fisheries sector.

"It is hoped that there will be no more violations, because the accuracy of the data and compliance of business actors is the key to the success of PIT," said Adin Nurawaluddin, Director General of Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision (PSDKP) in a press release, Tuesday, January 10.

This year, said Adin, his party will not hesitate to take firm action against the form of SPKP violations with the imposition of further administrative sanctions, in the form of government coercion, administrative fines, to freezing and revocation of permits.

"The imposition of criminal sanctions will be the last resort (ultimum remidium), because law enforcement at this time prioritizes improvement over damage carried out by business actors," he said.

Nevertheless, Adin is committed that his party will not only take firm action against business actors who violate, but also remain fishermen's friends, and will help business actors who state that they are ready to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

"Business actors and KKP are a team that should jointly realize responsible and sustainable fisheries management," he explained.

Ahead of the implementation of the Measurable Fish Fishing (PIT) policy, the KKP will be firm in monitoring and controlling the use of fishery resources through the Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) system.

"Compliance with business actors is very important in the success of the PIT program. Therefore, we will continue to monitor and improve it through the Fishery Ship Monitoring System (SPKP)," said Adin.

The Fishery Ship Monitoring System (SPKP) owned by the KKP is known to play a very important role in monitoring compliance with fishing zones, landing catch, fishing gear, and fishing time carried out by each fishing vessel operating in the Management Area of State Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia (WPPNRI).

"Of course, in addition to understanding SPKP provisions, business actors are also expected to understand all aspects of legality and other related regulations," concluded Adin.

Previously, Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono conveyed that the implementation of the Measurable Fish Fishing (PIT) policy aims to increase business activities in the fisheries sector while still paying attention to the sustainability of existing resources and making ecology as commander in chief, so as to realize a blue economy, a healthy sea, a prosperous Indonesia.