Police Reveal That The Perpetrator Is A Mutilation In Bekasi, It Turns Out That He Has Been Dating The Victim Since June 2021

Director of General Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki HaryadI revealed that the perpetrator of M Edky Listianto's mutilation (34) with the victim Angela Hindriarti (54) turned out to be dating. They have been in a relationship since June 2021 until finally the perpetrator had the heart to commit the crime in November 2021.

(The victim and perpetrator-ed) are dating. The relationship starts from June 2021 until the victim dies in November 2021," said Hengki when confirmed, Sunday, January 8.

On his occasion, Hengki explained that initially the victim and perpetrator became acquainted. They first established communication, namely through Kaskus social media in 2018. Then in 2019, Angela left the house.

(The year) 2018 met Edy at the Kaskus forum. (Then) 2019 Angela was reported missing, 2021 dating Edky

"So, in the SPKT report of the West Java Police at that time Angela was still alive and really ran away from her family," he continued.

Meanwhile, the Head of Sub-Directorate for Resmob Ditreskrimun Polda Metro Jaya, Kompol Resa F Marasabessy, added that the motive for the murder was based on the victim who asked Edy to marry her.

"It hurts, because the victim asks to marry him, while the figure is already married," he said.

For information, pieces of the body of the female victim of mutilation were found in a container box in a boarding house in the Kampung Buaran area, Lambangsari, South Tambun, Bekasi Regency. The discovery took place on Friday, December 30, at around 03.23 WIB.

The finding of the woman's body was accidentally. This is because the police initially followed up on reports of missing people on behalf of Dicky Listyanto.

However, when they came to Ecky's boarding house, the police found two containers containing pieces of the body. He is also strongly suspected of being the perpetrator of the mutilation.

If proven, Ecky will be charged with Article 338 of the Criminal Code regarding murder.