Electric Car Parking Rate At Airport Is Cheaper, This Is The Amount...

YOGYAKARTA - SOE Minister Erick Thohir is reviewing parking rates at assets belonging to the Ministry of SOEs or SOEs, including airports for cars and electric motors.

This is done to encourage the use of environmentally friendly vehicles in Indonesia.

"We from the Ministry of SOEs are also reviewing parking facilities throughout the Ministry of SOEs and airports, maybe later if using cars and electric motorbikes the parking is cheaper," he told reporters at Pertamina gas stations on Jalan MT Haryono, Jakarta, Tuesday, January 3.

Erick said that the provision of cheap parking facilities is one of the government's efforts to support the use of electric-based vehicles.

If 50% of the people who own vehicles in Indonesia have used four-electric wheeled vehicles, he continued, therefore imports of fuel oil (BBM) will be significantly reduced.

Erick continued, we are building an ecosystem. Why? If these electric four-wheeled motorbikes or vehicles can be used up to 50% in Indonesia, it means that we reduce fuel imports, which since 1993 we have been importing continuously," he continued.

Lau, if electric vehicles are increasingly being used, Erick also asks Pertamina to innovate such as marketing environmentally friendly fuels. Maybe later the gasoline will become ethanol. So B35, now that's what Pertamina will also follow the situation.

Tariffs for environmental use services/sets/parking buildings

In daily parking environments, sedan type vehicles, sedans, minibuses, pickups, and the like are charged Rp. 4,000 to Rp. 7,500 for the first hour, and Rp. 2,000 to Rp. 6,000 for each subsequent hour.

Meanwhile, buses, trucks, and the like are charged Rp. 6 thousand {to} Rp. 7,000 for the first hour, Rp. 3,000 for the next hour.

Then the motorcycle is Rp. 1,000 to Rp. 3,000 per hour and the bicycle is Rp. 1,000 for one parking.

The Basic Provisions and Tariffs of Parking Taxes

Based on Law Number 26 of 2009 Article 1 number 31 concerning Regional Taxes and Regional Retribution (UU PDRD) it is explained that parking tax is a tax on the management of parking areas outside the road. This also includes parking areas that are owned by business principals and as a business, including the provision of motor vehicle storage areas.

For information, the parking tax is a component of the Regional Tax and Regional Retribution (PDRD). Based on Article 63 of the PDRD Law, the parking tax subject {it is namely) a private person or body that runs motor vehicle parking.

Although, parking taxes should be someone who wants an individual or agency that organizes a parking area. This means that the organizers have the obligation to report or deposit the parking tax that has been paid by parking users.

Meanwhile, keep in mind that not all parking area operations can be taxed.

So after knowing that the parking fee for electric cars at airports is cheaper, watch other interesting news at VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!