2023 Christmas And New Year Holidays, Artists Of The Role Of The Old City Of Jakarta Willing To Raup Rp500 Thousand A Day

JAKARTA - The role artists of Kota Tua have earned revenue from visitors of IDR 500-600 thousand per day over the past week, following the hectic crowds of tourists during the Christmas holidays, the end of the year and the 2023 New Year celebrations to one of the capital's iconic tours.

"It can be up to Rp. 600,000 or at least Rp. 500,000 per day. Alhamdulillah," said one of the artists in the role of a statue in army uniform, Rizal in Kota Tua, to Antara, Sunday.

He explained that this condition had been happening since the last week.

Before Christmas, he admitted that there were not too many visitors to Kota Tua and therefore his income was only around Rp. 200,000 to Rp. 300,000 per day.

However, after entering Christmas, there are more and more visitors every day so that the income increases.

"In addition, it's like residents are no longer worried about COVID-19. So, many came, many asked for photos. Previously, when it was COVID-19, they wanted photos, they didn't even approach," he explained.

Every time they finished taking selfies, residents often gave Rp5,000 to Rp10,000 denominations to the boxes in front of Rizal.

The role artist for army figures in Kota Tua, Ahmad admitted that he used to stand from 08.00 WIB to 20.00 WIB at the same point.

Even over the past week, the income he has earned is not much different from what Rizal got.

He continued, from one week of holiday mass, the end of the year on Saturday (31/12) was the busiest visit in Kota Tua.

However, he could not stand until the evening because the situation in Kota Tua was too crowded.

"It's very tight, I can't put the goods in front. Finally in the afternoon I went home," he said.

Although not until late, he admitted that the income he got at that time was quite a lot.

Even though the holiday period is starting to end, he hopes that visitors to Kota Tua on normal days will still be crowded so that he and other role artists can earn enough income.