BRIN RE-released Analysis Of Extreme Weather Issues, But There's Nothing About The Likes Of Storm

JAKARTA - Analysis from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia as a maritime country has become the center of convection in cloud growth and producing rain so that there is the potential for extreme weather.

"Indonesia is located on the maritime continent, this is a relatively high energy area where sunlight is perpendicular to the equatorial region so that our region becomes the center of cloud growth convection and produces a lot of rain," said BRIN Intermediate Expert Researcher Didi Satiadi in an online discussion "Beware of Extreme Weather" in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 28.

High energy can be released in the form of extreme weather events.

"So indeed the condition of the territory of Indonesia tends to occur in extreme conditions, especially those related to rain because we are indeed the largest producer of rain in the world," Didi said as quoted by Antara.

In addition, he continued, the dynamics of the atmosphere on the equatorial maritime continent also causes Indonesian territory to become an area where atmospheric waves interact with each other.

"These atmospheric waves one day strengthen each other which creates extreme events, one day weakening each other so that extreme events do not occur," he said.

He said the complexity of atmospheric dynamics caused Indonesian territory to become a difficult region to predict.

On that occasion, Didi also said that another factor that causes extreme weather is global warming due to the burning of excess fossil fuels, causing climate change.

"Climate change is basically increasing the hydrological cycle. Because it means faster, it means more evaporation, more intense, heavier rain, wetter, and at the same time dryer," he said.

To overcome extreme weather, he suggested that people plant as many trees as possible and reduce the use of fossil-based energy to renewable energy such as from sunlight, waves, winds, or dams.