The Judicial Commission Wants To Have Unbound Determination Authority With Other Law Enforcements

JAKARTA - The Judicial Commission (KY) proposes to the DPR to have independent wiretapping authority, so they do not have to cooperate with other law enforcement agencies as stipulated at this time.

"We will try to propose to the DPR that the KY authority does not cooperate with other legal apparatus, but the KY wiretapping authority is independent," said KY Chief Judge and Investigation Supervision Division Joko Sasmito in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 28, as reported by Antara.

With this independent authority, said Joko, KY can be more flexible in supervising judges who are suspected of committing criminal acts of corruption and other criminal offenses.

According to him, the wiretapping authority of KY is currently still tied to the Police, the Attorney General's Office, and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). This means that if KY asks for wiretapping assistance, then KY must go through the three institutions.

If the authority of the independent wiretapping by KY is granted by the DPR, he explained, it does not mean that KY will intercept all judges in Indonesia. KY will only conduct wiretapping on judges who are suspected of being indicated or have findings of being involved in corruption cases, and even having an affair.

In line with Joko, Deputy Chairman of KY M. Taufiq HZ said that basically the supervision of Supreme Court justices with first-degree judges and judges at the appeal level is the same. For example, he continued, some time ago KY had just examined the Supreme Court's judicial judge.

"Two or three days ago I will conduct an examination of the Supreme Court Justice of SD. It means, there is no difference," he said.

KY is also committed to continuing to strengthen the authority of the institution or at least restoring the authority of KY as before the amendment to the 1945 Constitution by the Constitutional Court (MK).