Hutama Karya Make Sure Optimal Services On The Trans Sumatra Toll Road At Christmas And New Year's Moments

JAKARTA - Executive Vice President (EVP) of the Toll Road Operations and Maintenance Division (OPT) Dwi Aryono Bayuaji said that Hutama Karya ensures optimal service on toll roads managed, one of which is on the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) especially at the Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023 (Nataru) moments.

"We have prepared various facilities and strategies to deal with the surge on toll roads," he said, in South Lampung, Lampung, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, December 28.

He said that in supporting the smooth flow of Christmas and New Year's homecoming, Hutama Karya had alerted a total of 2,528 officers, 264 units of standby fleets, and 21 rest areas.

Kemudian juga, memastikan rest area dalam keadaan yang nyaman serta bersih bagi pengguna jalan, ketersediaan bahan bakar Mentah (BBM) tersukupi, melakukan penambahan SPBU modular di beberapa titik di rest area.

"The addition of modular gas stations is in the rest area of KM 20 A, 49 B in the Bakauheni Section Terbanggi Besar, Rest Area KM 269 B, 272 A, 306 B in the Terbanggi Besar Section Pematang Panggang Kayu Agung and Rest Area Temporary KM 45 B & 65 A Pekanbaru Dumai," he said.

Dwi also said that in anticipation of the surge in vehicles on this toll road, Hutama Karya had coordinated with PT ASDP Ferry Indonesia (Persero) regarding the flow of vehicles originating from Bakauheni port to the South Bakauheni Toll Gate (GT) so that there would be no buildup.

"There is an additional capacity of additional toll substations at GT which has high density potential, such as at South Bakauheni GT and Kotabaru GT, which were originally 5 lanes to 7 lanes and at Kotabaru GT, which was originally 4 lanes to 6 lanes, as well as adding mobile reader tools to speed up transactions at toll gates," he said.

The JTTS sections that have been operated by Hutama Karya include the Bakauheni Section Terbanggi Besar, the Pematang Panggang Kayu Agung, Palembang Indralaya, Pekanbaru Dumai & Bangkinang, Medan Binjai Stabat, Bengkulu Taba Penanjung and Sigli Banda Aceh Section III & IV.