Samsat Kelapa Dua Saat Pajak Kendaraan Tahun 2022 Capai Rp467,4 Miliar

TANGERANG - Regional Revenue on the UPTD PPD One-Stop Administrative System (SAMSAT) Kelapa Dua recorded the number of Motor Vehicle taxes in 2022 amounting to IDR 467.4 billion.

Head of UPTD PPD Kelapa Dua Bayu Adi Putranto said the record exceeded the revenue budget of Rp443.7 billion.

"The achievement of UPTD PPD Kelapa Dua's revenue has a positive impact on the Banten Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) in supporting the development of the Banten Province area," Bayu said in his statement, Tuesday, December 27.

"We continue to improve and improve services in order to achieve the revenue target at UPTD PPD Kelapa Dua for 2023," he added.

In addition to the absorption of revenue from the Motor Vehicle Tax, UPTD PPD Kelapa Dua also meets the revenue target at the Surface Water Tax in 2022 which reached IDR 5.43 billion from the revenue budget of IDR 4.82 billion or 112.67 percent.

Meanwhile, regarding the Transfer Fee of Motor Vehicles (BBNKB), Bayu admits that it has not been achieved. This happened because of the unstable financial condition of the community.

"Meanwhile, BBNKB has not been achieved because the economic condition is still not stable coupled with the government program at the end of the 2022 period which is intensifying the purchase of electric cars," he concluded.