Here's The Tip On Manage Of Psongon's LAYOFFS In The First Month To Not Get Boncos

YOGYAKARTA Termination of employment (PHK) can happen to anyone and anytime. Therefore it is important to know how to manage severance pay for layoffs.

The first month after layoffs became the most crucial time in managing severance pay.

If you are not careful, severance pay recipients will go bankrupt which led to financial difficulties the following month.

It should be noted that the severance pay for workers affected by layoffs has been regulated by the Government through the 2020 Job Creation Act.

In the future, severance pay can be used as a source of income that is used for living provisions as long as you have not found a worker. Meanwhile, the amount of severance pay earned is also quite large. This is what sometimes makes severance pay recipients dark their eyes and leads to wasteful behavior. To avoid this, follow how to manage severance pay for layoffs below.

The first tip that must be considered after receiving the severance pay for layoffs is to pay off all debts or dependents in the form of monthly credit cards. Try to allocate debt repayment funds for the next two or three months so as not to cause problems in the future.

You are advised to make a fixed monthly budget post. Create a budget post for several months. Try to make a list of monthly principal expenses for six months, so that basic needs are still met until you get another job.

Several budget items that must exist, for example, the purchase of foodstuffs, electricity payments, children's education payments, and so on.

It would be better to avoid all consumptive activities over the next few months. Don't use severance pay for layoffs to shop for things that are not as important as changing gadgets, shopping for shoes, holidays, and so on.

Many workers prefer to buy food instead of cooking. If you are laid off, consider buying raw food and cooking yourself at home. This method is very effective in suppressing expenditures compared to having to buy food instantly.

Some people choose to set up small businesses after he gets laid off from the company he is participating in. If you do that, try to consider productive spending to support your activities.

For example, after being laid off, you try sellingiri cake. To support production activities, you can buy ovens or other tools that can support these activities. But pay attention to the selection of goods.

You can consider profitable investments. But to do so, avoid risks first and choose types of investments that promise profits such as gold investments or deposits. Apart from not needing a lot of capital, these two types of investments are quite promising even though they have a small amount of profit.

The latest amount of severance pay for layoffs contains Article 40 paragraph (2) PP Number 35 of 2021. The most recent amount of severance pay for layoffs is as follows.

That's information related to managing layoff severance pay. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.