Focus On Consumer, Corporate And Export MSMEs, BNI Is Optimistic That Its Business Will Grow Even Though The 2023 Situation Is More Challenging

JAKARTA Although it is predicted that 2023 will be a more challenging year for the economy, PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BNI) is optimistic that it can still achieve business growth in 2023.

BNI President Director Royke Tumilaar said the domestic economy must have a lot of activities in order to have a multiplier effect on growth amid uncertainty next year.

According to him, banking as intermediation should not target stagnant or even fear performance growth. The reason is, this will encourage a decline in transactions, which will make the economy worse.

"Therefore, we focus on transformation. We hope that we can become a bank that is more competitive with digitalization, not only in terms of products but also in business processes, controlled operating costs," he said in a written statement on Sunday, December 18.

Royke continued, the company last year succeeded in increasing capital, making the capital level very strong enough to absorb risks and expansion in responding to various opportunities next year.

"We also have a very simple level of liquidity, so far it has been very well managed. In the future, we hope that there will also be many opportunities that we can work on, both organic and inorganic," he said.

Royke emphasized that BNI in 2023 will continue to focus on the consumer, corporate and export-oriented MSME segments to become BNI's growth engine.

"We want to help MSMEs to go global, help them so they can export, so that they can improve business capabilities as well as profitability for them," he said.