4 Concerns That Are Rare Mothers Feeling Pregnant

JAKARTA - The first few weeks of pregnancy can cause worry for a mother. Not only because of soaring pregnancy hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. There is some anxiety that is very real to deal with.

What are the four general concerns of a mother when pregnant? The following is a summary of the VOI from the Parents page, Friday, December 16.

78 percent of pregnant women rate birth defects as their number one concern, according to a recent March of Dimes survey. But the organization reports that less than 4 percent of babies will experience birth defects in a variety of conditions but most of these problems are not life-threatening. "The two most common structural defects are the cleft lip and the ceiling gap, which can be fixed with surgery," notes milik Ashton, MD, deputy medical director of the March of Dimes national office, at White Plains, New York.

The fragile premature baby in the incubator, connected to many machines, can haunt pregnant women. But in reality, nearly 90 percent of babies will be born months old enough. What's more, many premature born babies are actually born between 34 and 37 weeks - which is considered a "late premature". Barbara O'Brien, MD, an expert in Industry and assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Brown University's Faculty of Medicine, was told that babies born in a period of 34-37 weeks are generally in good and healthy condition.

Because each person has a different stress response, it is difficult to conclude about how anxiety can affect the fetus. But according to Dr. O'Brien, stress due to daily problems, for example because of messy work or finances will not cause the baby to be born premature.

On the one hand, there is research explaining that the problem of bickering with partners and co-workers actually makes the fetus develop well. In two studies from Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, children born to women with higher daily stress levels during pregnancy tend to have a more mature nervous system at birth and have better mental and motor skills at the age of 2. Researchers think that stress hormones can actually help the growth and development of the fetus' organs.

Fear during childbirth is associated with fear of unknown things. So providing yourself with information can help you calm yourself down. For this reason, experts advise pregnant women to take delivery classes. Because in that class not only is breathing techniques taught during childbirth but also tells you how to deal with pain and what happens if you need caesarean surgery. Know what to anticipate can calm yourself from fear.