Kemenperin Jalin Cooperation With Unido, Accelerating Industrial Estates In Indonesia

The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) has collaborated with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (Unido) and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) to form the Global Eco Industrial Parks Programme-Indonesia Country Level Intervention Project (GEIPP-Indonesia) since July 2020.

This program aims to increase resource productivity, economic, environmental, social and business performance in order to achieve the development of an inclusive and sustainable national industry in Indonesia.

"The Ministry of Industry continues to strive to improve the existence of industrial estates, especially in ensuring the sustainability of industrial activities through steps to integrate social, economic and environmental aspects," said Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita in a written statement, Monday, December 12.

Agus said, currently there are three industrial areas that are pilot projects for the implementation of GEIPP-Indonesia, namely MM2100 Industrial Estate, Batamado Industrial Estate, and Karawang International Industrial City (KIIC).

The three industrial areas are encouraged to increase capacity building and workshop for the implementation of the International Framework Eco Industrial Park (EIP), such as waste management, energy and water efficiency, implementation of clean and renewable energy, and industrial symbiosis in the use of raw materials and side products.

"Indonesia's progress regarding the transformation towards EIP in the past two years is quite fast, as evidenced by the results of the assessment of the three industrial areas that became pilot projects showing an increase in performance of up to 10 percent," said Agus.

On the other hand, there are cross-sectoral issues related to EIP development that require support and synergy from the ministry, especially related to environmental, social, economic, and regional management fields.

This prompted the Ministry of Industry to take the initiative to form an inter-ministerial forum.

Some time ago, the Ministry of Industry carried out a forum inviting various relevant ministries and institutions to accelerate the development of environmentally friendly industrial estates in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Resilience, Region, and International Industrial Access (KPAII), Eko SA Cahyanto, stated that this inter-ministerial forum has the task of providing detailed guidelines involving stakeholders and mapping EIP at the national level.

"This forum can act as a forum for the formulation of national and regional policies that support the acceleration of EIP development, as well as to provide potential fiscal financing opportunities and initiatives to support the implementation of EIP," Eko explained.

Eko added that this inter-ministerial forum consists of the Ministry of Industry and 10 other ministries/agencies related to Eco Industrial Park.

The forum will hold coordination meetings at least twice a year and will carry out duties for five years since 2022.

"Hopefully the implementation of this inaugural roundtable forum can be a good opening in formulating policies related to EIP development in Indonesia so that the government's goal in achieving sustainable development can be realized together and synergize," he said.