Commission I Of The DPR Invite The Ministry Of Foreign Affairs To Call The UN Representative For Clarification Regarding The Criminal Code

JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission I of the DPR Golkar Faction Meutya Hafid invited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) to summon representatives of the United Nations (UN) in Indonesia to clarify statements related to criticism of the new Criminal Code (KUHP).

"I invite the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to summon or write to UN representatives in Indonesia in the context of clarifying the purpose of the statement. This is indeed important and I think it is sufficient there," Meutya told reporters, Friday, December 10.

On the other hand, the chairman of the Golkar DPP assessed that the public also did not need to overreact to opinions from outside Indonesia.

This is because Indonesia is sovereign over the legal products made. However, he also understands that outside organizations should not intervene in the law in Indonesia.

"There is no need to go too far, related to new KUHP legal products. We don't have to overreact to the voices of representatives of the LN organs in Indonesia, such as the recent statements of representatives of the United Nations and US Ambassadors. But the principle of non-intervention should apply and it is not appropriate for representatives of the state and international organizations (to take care of it)," said Meutya. Previously, the United Nations (PBB) said that parts of the Indonesian Criminal Code (KUHP) were not in accordance with fundamental freedoms and human rights.

The United Nations considers that a comprehensive reshuffle, including bans on sex outside of marriage and living with unmarried couples, is considered a civil group to be a major threat to the rights of the LGBTQ community in Indonesia. The United Nations also mentions reforms for violations related to blasphemy. Meanwhile, journalists have the potential to be caught in legal snares if they publish news "which can trigger unrest".

"Several articles have the potential to criminalize journalistic works and violate press freedom," the UN office in Indonesia said in a statement Thursday, December 8.

"Other people will discriminate against, or have a discriminatory impact on, women, girls, boys and sexual minorities, and exacerbate gender-based violence and violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity," the statement continued.

Then other articles risk "violating the right to freedom of religion or belief, and can legitimize negative social attitudes towards religious members or minority beliefs and lead to acts of violence against them".

The United Nations stated that this renewal is believed to make it more risky for same-sex couples to live together openly. Human rights groups previously thought the LGBTQ+ group had faced widespread discrimination and was affected by regulations that were against the circle.