Tipu-tipu Investasi Usaha Knalpot, Pelaku Use Uang Untukbayar Debt Orang Tua Tinggal Judi Online

JATENG - Banyumas Police managed to uncover a fraud case under the guise of investment in the exhaust business sector carried out by a woman.

"The woman with the initials WP (33), a resident of Kedungwuluh Village, Kalimanah District, Purbalingga Regency, was arrested on Tuesday (December 6)," said Head of Banyumas Police Commissioner Edy Suranta Sitepu in Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, Wednesday 7 December.

According to him, the case began with a meeting of victims on behalf of Okty (59), a resident of Sokaraja Kulon Village, Sokaraja District, Banyumas, with a WP on December 31, 2020.

In a meeting held at the victim's house, WP said that the person concerned was looking for investors to fund his business in the exhaust business sector.

"WP then invites victims to invest and promise profits of 25-30 percent," he said, quoted by Antara.

In addition, Kasatreskrim Kompol Agus Supriadi said the victim was eventually tempted to invest by giving hundreds of millions of rupiah to taxpayers.

Along with time travel, he said, there were dozens of transactions carried out by victims at different times with a nominal value of hundreds of millions of rupiah in each transaction.

"Initially it went smoothly, because the victim benefited from the WP," he explained.

However, in January 2022, he said, the victim knew that there was no fictitious exhaust business belonging to the WP.

Apart from not receiving profits, Okty's business capital was not returned by the WP, so the victim suffered a loss of Rp. 1,283,167,500.

"Therefore, the victim reported the WP to the Banyumas Police and we followed up with an investigation and arrest of the reported person at his home on Tuesday (6/12)," said Kompol Agus.

Based on the results of the examination, he said, WP admitted his actions and used the money from the victim for personal gain in the form of paying the debts of parents who lost online gambling.

Currently, he continued, WP has been detained for further legal proceedings.

"We are also still developing this case against the possibility of other victims," he said.

Regarding the fraud case under the guise of investment, Kasatreskrim appealed to the public not to be tempted by investment offers that promised high profits in a short time.