Former Karo Provos Captures Tensions Bharada E, Bripka RR, And Strong Ma'ruf During The First TIME

JAKARTA - Former Karo Provos Brigadier General Benny Ali revealed the tensions experienced by Bharada Richard totaling, Bripka Ricky Rizal, and Strong Ma'ruf after the incident of the death of Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J. They seem confused and stressed.

The testimony began when Benny told about the three defendants who had been questioned at Provos after the bloody incident occurred. They were questioned separately.

"There was a shootout that resulted in the death of the late Yosua. That was (the results of the examination, red) what I did to Richard," said Benny during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, December 7.

Meanwhile, the defendant, Strong Ma'ruf, admitted that he was on the top floor. Then, when he heard the sound of gunfire he immediately lay down.

Meanwhile, Bripka RR said he was in the carport and also lay down during the shooting incident.

Hearing this sacredness, the judge began to question the game of the three defendants during the examination process.

Benny also said that they seemed tense when giving information.

"When you asked Richard, to Ricky, to Strong, their answer was spontaneous or to stop first?" asked the judge.

"Maybe at that time they were confused, they answered a piece, answered again. The situation at that time looked like their faces were confused and looked stressed," answered Benny.

Meanwhile, the statements presented by the three defendants were lies. They conveyed the chronology of the death of Brigadier J according to the scenario made by Ferdy Sambo.

Benny Ali was originally presented as a witness in the alleged murder case of Brigadier J for the defendants Strong Ma'ruf, Bharada Richard totaling, and Bripka Ricky Rizal.