Above The Motor Light There Is A Logo ISIS, So The Strong Reason Former Terrorist Calls Perpetrators Of The JAD Group

BANDUNG - Former terrorism convict (napiter), Sofyan Tsauri spoke about the explosion allegedly a suicide bombing at the Astanaanyar Police, Bandung, Wednesday, December 7. Sofyan assessed that from how to break up it, it was seen that the perpetrator was a network of Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD).

"The perpetrator's motive can be seen from his motorbike written by the Criminal Code and the Syirik Law / Perturbation of the Devil Law Enforcement, QS 9: 29. Then on the lights there is a 1515 (ISIS) flag meaning it is from the 1515 (ISIS) group meaning JAD group," said Sofyan when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday 7 December.

Sofyan said that usually the target of the JAD group is government to law enforcement, such as the police.

"The target is still to symbols of the government, namely the police and others," he said.

On that occasion, he suspected that the tool used by the suicide bomber was TATP or had the nickname "Mother of Satan", or commonly called "demon's mother" which means the nickname is in accordance with the explosive power.

"It is strongly suspected that using TATP, commonly called the mother of satan, a type of high explosive material, has a high explosive power and has extraordinary destruction power," he said.

On the other hand, based on his analysis, the perpetrator carried out this suicide bombing using a backpack or pot. Later, if it explodes, it will have a dangerous effect.

"Look at the wounds of the bomber, behind the back with a large logo, meaning he was carrying a cell phone bomb behind him, whether he was wearing a pot or Tupperware, still being examined. What is clear is when the blarrr is the effect forward," he concluded.

The National Police stated that one police officer died as a result of a suicide bombing at the Astanaanyar Police, Bandung, West Java. In addition, seven members were injured.