PTPN III Successful PIS 2022 Title, These Are The Winners
JAKARTA - Holding Perkebunan Nusantara PTPN III (Persero) successfully held an awarding night Planters Innovation Summit (PIS) 2022, on Thursday (11/24/2022). This agenda is the culmination of a series of internal innovation competitions within the PTPN Group which have started since last June.
In that annual competition, the jury team has determined the winners. In the Social Innovation category, the first winner was won by PTPN XI with the innovation of PTPN XI's One Hand System MITRA MITRA TANI for Improvement of PG Prajekan Farmer Services, the second winner Detection of Early Forest Fires and Lands by PTPN V personnel, and Transform Planters/Lumbribox - Independent Economic Collaboration from PTPN VI as the third winner.
In the Technological Breakthrougth category, the first winner was won by PTPN IX with the title "Digital Farming Karet for PTPN", the second winner of the Super Apps Oss Planters to Support On Farm and Off Farm PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII, and the third winner was won by PTPN IV with the title Application of Pupuk Nusantara (APN).
Meanwhile, in the Business Strategy category, the first winner was won by PTPN VI with innovation Optimizing RSS Unit Way Berulu Factory Capacity Through Process Modifications, the second winner Mill Monitoring for eXcellent PTPN4 (MIXN4) from PTPN IV, and the third winner was won by NUSAPRO (Nusalima Palm Oil Protector) from PTPN V.
At the PIS 2022 event, a general champion was also determined by PTPN VII by getting a rotating trophy. This rotating Cup will be competed in the PIS event as a symbol of the sustainability of innovation in entities that get the overall champion.
In his direction, the President Director of Holding Perkebunan Nusantara PTPN III (Persero), Muhammad Abdul Ghani said, Planters Innovation Summit is one of the efforts to encourage an innovation culture within the PTPN Group.
According to him, the innovators' enthusiasm in participating in the event adds to the company's optimism in dealing with challenges in the future. "There are hundreds of proposals that come in, which means there are also hundreds of new ideas that arise to improve performance. That means, you innovative young planters, are ready to be the next generation to continue our dreams," he said.
In 2027, continued Abdul Ghani, PTPN Group will have the largest and largest palm oil plantation in Indonesia, and will work on a well-established downstream industry. Therefore, he advised the winners and all PTPN Group planers to prepare for the transformation.
"In the next five years, we will process three million CPO production into olein and other downstream products. In sugar, we also project that in 2027 Indonesia will be self-sufficient in consumption sugar, which is as large as produced from our gardens and factories," he added.
Abdul Ghani hopes that culture will deliver innovations that will not stop in this race. "The innovations that are produced, both from the winners and those who have not won, must be applied to all existing work units in an effort to support operational excellence," he added.
The same thing was conveyed by the Director of Human Resources Holding Perkebunan Nusantara PTPN III (Persero), who is also the Steering Committee for the Implementation of PIS 2022, Seger Budiarjo. He assessed that all elements in the company must be encouraged to continue to do new things to improve the performance of human resources.
"Like our theme tonight, Innovation to Elevate. We are mobilizing and increasing our performance status by continuing to innovate. Innovation must be our habit of working," said Seger., previously inviting all children and grandchildren of the company to send innovation proposals, both individuals and teams to the central committee.
In the first stage, continued Seger, proposals that came in from all categories were around 320. These proposals were then selected to 70 in the second stage. "In the third stage, we chose 30 proposals, 10 proposals each per category. At this stage, we began to intervene with the development of ideas. And finally, we got 9 proposals, which we announce today the winner," he explained.
Seger hopes that the PIS event can further motivate PTPN Group personnel to continue to explore ideas and self-potentials for the company's progress. "We hope that in the following year, more innovations will be presented to support the company's performance," he said.