Sandiaga Uno Said That Indonesia Is Paying Attention To Large Countries Because Of The Success Of The G20 Summit

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno said a number of countries positioned Indonesia as a country that was taken into account after the G20 Summit in Bali.

Sandiaga Uno said that US President Joe Biden and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese were also the ones who praised Indonesia.

"I want to share a very proud news. That Indonesia is now a highlight. Indonesia is the concern of all major countries in the world because of our success in hosting the G20 Summit in Bali last week," said Sandiaga Uno, Tuesday, November 22.

Not only about the beauty of Bali, Sandiaga Uno explained that the presence of Indonesian citizens also made the delegates of other countries feel comfortable.

"And this is not only about the natural beauty of Indonesia, especially Bali, but also about it," Sandiaga Uno continued.

Sandiaga Uno then revealed Joe Biden and Anthony praised Indonesia as the host of the G20 Summit. Both of them also appreciated the birth of the Bali Declaration.

"When President Biden and the Australian Prime Minister left Bali, they also expressed their appreciation for our leadership leadership and also for our ability to orchestrate the birth of Bali Declaration against the G20," said the former Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta.

Sandiaga Uno added, this indicates that apart from natural wealth and culture, Indonesia under the leadership of President Joko Widodo has succeeded in other aspects.

"This is proof that apart from natural and cultural wealth, we also have leadership under President Jokowi. APPLAUSE to all of us," he said.

Sandiaga also said that the role of Indonesia's intellectual property in the G20 event had been highlighted. One of them, when leaders from various countries are in a style like a model by wearing Endek Bali batik.

"When they entered, if they were famous for Citayam Fashion Week, yesterday there was the G20 Fashion Week Summit, all of them used endek cloth from Pak Wayan and Mother. How world leader Justin Trudeau handsomely uses red endek cloth, as well as British Prime Minister. This shows that not only do we have proud creative economy products, but also world-class," concluded Sandiaga Uno.